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Tag: rva

Ukrop’s Monument Avenue 10k

Ukrop’s Monument Avenue 10k

  My 2nd year running the Ukrop’s Monument Avenue 10k which is  by far one of the best and most popular races in Richmond, Virginia! Around 30,000 people come out to this race every year and the affordability and efficiency of this race make it one of my favorites, especially since it is in my home town! Parking was not as bad as I thought it would be and I was thankful that I was able to find a spot in…

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Ragnar Trail Richmond

Ragnar Trail Richmond

My very first Ragnar experience! I have always wanted to do one of these races, but always struggled with trying to find a team. I went to a local RWB luncheon and someone was looking for a teammate. It was an opportunity I could not pass up, so I joined. The trails have always been my favorite place to run and I have never done a trail race before, so I was very much looking forward to this event. For those who don’t…

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Ukrop’s Monument Avenue 10k

Ukrop’s Monument Avenue 10k

One of Richmond’s most popular races and named one of the best races in the country according to USA Today! I have been wanting to do this race ever since high school and I finally had the chance to do it!! I was stuck in a dag on boot this time last year, so I am thankful to say I have been injury free! *knock on wood* The weather was very cold that morning in the early 40s. The forecast…

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