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Tag: 5k

Massive Medal Half Marathon and CNU Alumni 5k

Massive Medal Half Marathon and CNU Alumni 5k

My second year running the Massive Medal Half Marathon! Last year’s race went really well and as a huge medal fanatic, I just had to come back for another massive medal! This time I signed up for the Captains Challenge which is running the Massive Medal Half Marathon and then the CNU Alumni 5k for a whopping 16.2 miles! It was very frigid out that morning. This was my first race this year that I ever ran in long sleeves and I…

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Humana Richmond Fun Run 5k

Humana Richmond Fun Run 5k

Ahh another 5k. Now I know I just ran one 3 days before (for those who are keeping track), but I just had to do this one because it was a free race and it was very close by! I received an email about this free race because I am already signed up for the Virginia Beach Rock n’ Roll Half Marathon. The race was hosted by a local running store called Lucky Foot out in Willow Lawn. This run was…

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East Coast Aloha 5K

East Coast Aloha 5K

It has been a a few years since I’ve done a 5k. I believe the last one I ran was a Color Me Rad race a few years ago. I use to run 5k’s all the time back in high school so I was curious as to what my 5k time would now be. This race was located at Mount Trashmore Park in Virginia Beach. I use to live out in this area back in college and I was due for…

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