Behind the Scenes

Behind the Scenes


The question I’ve been asked one too many times and I’m you all are just dying to know. How on earth did I take this amazing picture? I created a little animated GIF as seen below to give you all a behind the scenes look.


There you have it folks! And No, I do NOT have a professional photographer following me around everywhere I go. (Although, sometimes I do have friends come with me).  I balanced my Go Pro Hero 4 on the top of this mountain, turned my camera on, stood up really quick, and got back down. I did this shot in one take. I actually focused more on looking off towards the clouds, but I really liked the way this shot came out after I uploaded it on the computer. The wind was blowing pretty hard that day and I did not want to risk falling! My camera actually fell over once! I also do my own editing through Instagram to make my pictures pop! I plan to post more of these, so stayed tuned folks! 🙂

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