Catarata Llanos del Cortés

Catarata Llanos del Cortés


Llanos de Cortez is a hidden gem in the northwestern portion of Costa Rica in the Guanacaste region. This region is known for being dry and flat so finding waterfalls out in this area are a nice treat.  Llanos de Cortez is a beautiful 12m high and 15m wide waterfall that you can hear as soon as you step foot into the parking lot.

Accessing this waterfall is relatively easy compared to the other waterfalls I chased throughout Costa Rica. The parking lot is pretty close to the waterfall and is just a 10 min hike down to the falls. The trail is a little steep, but not very long at all.

I arrived later in the afternoon so I was very lucky to not have many people around. As seen above, this waterfall spills over the mossy rocks and towering cliffs into a beautiful swimming hole below. There is also a nice sandy beach like area to hang out in and relax. A perfect location for a picnic.



Admission to this waterfall is $4 USD or 2000 colones and is open daily from 8am to 5pm. There are sometimes local vendors selling drinks including coconuts and carved souvenirs.


This waterfall is located  25km South East from Liberia and is just a 30 minute drive away coming down route 1. Llanos de Cortez is located 3km west of the small town of Bagaces. If you are coming from Monteverde it is a bit of a longer drive at around 2 hours, but it’s relative ease and access just off of the main road makes it worth the trip.

Llanos de Cortez is a beautiful waterfall in the Guanacaste region. Its easy access just off of route 1 made for a perfect pit stop on my way down towards Monteverde. This waterfall is definitely worth checking out if you are in or around the Northwestern region of Costa Rica.


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